Qualitative Categories

Qualitative Categories of Caviar Products


9Caviar Company has categorized its produced Caviars according to their quality, in order to provide more transparent information about the products and increase customers’ satisfaction. Thus, you will be able to order your desired Caviar exactly according to your preference and taste easily.

On this page, you will get to know the qualitative categories of our Caviars and after that, we’ll discuss the important point: “Caviar obtained from each sturgeon is as unique as fingerprint.”


Different Qualities Of Caviar


9Caviar Company has divided its Caviar products into 4 categories based on their quality:



Very special Caviars are placed in this category, which are rarer than other qualities. As its name shows, this category belongs to the highest quality of Caviars produced by this company.

The Caviars of this category are in the best possible condition in terms of color, size of roes and consistency.

All three types of Beluga, Baerii and Ossetra Caviar can be included in the Selected category according to the size of their roes:


Selected Beluga:

Size: 3.3 mm to 4.5 mm



Selected Baerii:

Size: 2.7 mm to 3.0 mm



Selected Ossetra:

2.9 mm to 3.5 mm



If you like to see more examples of the Caviars exported by 9Caviar Company, we suggest you to visit “Archive” page.


2)A+ Category:

The Caviars in this category have excellent solidity and consistency. The A+ quality has almost all the features of the Selected category, and the only difference is in size of the roes.

All three types of Beluga, Baerii and Ossetra Caviars can be included in the A+ category according to the size of the roes:


A+ Beluga:

Size: 3.1 mm to 3.3 mm

A+ beluga

A+ Baerii:

Size: 2.4 mm to 2.7 mm

a+ baerii

A+ Ossetra:

Size 2.5 mm to 2.9 mm

a+ ossetra


If you like to know more about order registration and payment terms, we suggest you to visit Purchase & Payment page.


3)A Category:

This category only includes a group of Beluga Caviars, which have excellent consistency and solidity like A+ category.

The difference of A quality is in the color and size of roes and for this reason, it’s placed in a lower position compared to A+ quality.


A Beluga:

Size: 2.9 mm to 3.1 mm



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4)B Category:

This category also includes a group of Beluga Caviars. In this category, the size of roes is the same as A quality (2.9 mm to 3.1 mm). However, the Caviars do not have high solidity and consistency and they are frail compared to A quality.

Although the Caviars in B category are placed in a lower position than other categories, they still can be supplied to international markets.


B Beluga:

Size: 2.9 mm to 3.1 mm


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In the tables below, you can see the categories of Caviars according to their size.



Selected A+ A B
3.3 mm


4.5 mm

3.1 mm


3.3 mm

2.9 mm


3.1 mm

2.9 mm


3.1 mm






Selected A+
2.7 mm


3.0 mm

2.4 mm


2.7 mm




Selected A+
2.9 mm


3.5 mm

2.5 mm


2.9 mm




The quality of every extracted Caviar is unique and special, just like a fingerprint!


  • Despite the fact that we have introduced various qualitative categories of our Caviars, we must point out that the Caviar obtained from each sturgeon is as unique as fingerprint. Two sturgeons bred in the same conditions, will never have exactly the same Caviar.


  • Two or more sturgeons may be used to supply and complete each of your orders. So, as you already know, the appearance of your Caviars may be slightly different. But your order will be supplied totally according to the quality category chosen by you.
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